Like we said, Andrea’s never been to one of Travis’ games with Taylor (that we’re aware of anyway) and we honestly haven’t seen much of her during T-Swift’s romance with the Chiefs tight end. We have seen her dad, Scott, a handful of times … but no Mama Bear ’til now.

Unclear why that might be the case, but in case it wasn’t clear already — Taylor’s parents are divorced … so that’s why Andrea isn’t usually right by Scott’s side at these sorta outings.

Today, however, it looks like they’ll be a united family in front of cameras — ’cause Scott is said to be there as well … and we’re sure to see them soon enough here in the suite.

This will be the 8th game of Travis’ that Taylor’s attended … she’s made it a regular thing this season, and her appearances are always memorable — especially as she gets more into it.

Remember, she’s on a break from work at the moment … and doesn’t have to hit the stage again until February when she’ll fly to Tokyo for more ‘Eras’ shows. In the meantime, she’s been spending a lot of time with Travis … including the holidays, minus Thanksgiving.

It’s shaped up to be quite a year for her, to say the least. Here’s to a couple more games to finish 2023!