Simone Biles ‘Hurt’ After Close Member Ditches Jonathan Owens’ Team Green Bay Packers for Dallas Cowboys

On her first two Instagram stories, Simone Biles gave out the war cry for the Cowboys as she wrote, “We are coming for you Dallas”. The next story was a reshared Instagram story from her beloved coach, Cecile Landi, who migrated to Texas to coach at Simone Biles’ family-run gym World Champions Center. Landi’s post was a clean shoutout to the Cowboys as she wrote, “Let’s Go Cowboys.” Not to be missed the pun she intended while writing, “Sorry @simonebiles!”

Simone Biles did not miss it either as she reshared the story with her single-word caption, “hurt….” Landi is arguably one of the Champions of Simone Biles and has been a pillar of support for her during her comeback days. But amid the NFL fever, the direction of that support seems to have changed its course. Unfortunately for Simone Biles camp, more casualties followed for the upcoming Packers-Cowboys match!

The NFL fever is high, and everybody is dancing to its beats. This fever invited a clash and increased the heat between two best friends Jordan Chiles and Simone Biles. With Biles’ proud updates for husband Jonathan Owens, her best friend Jordan Chiles, another proud Texan, followed Landi’s suit. Chiles wrote in her Instagram story, “Diff gonna be a fun game!! Cowboys Let’s Get it!” How could it just end here?

Chiles then pointed her arrow toward Simone Biles, further adding, “Game On @simonebiles”. A week is still to go before the battle ensues. But the off-the-field music has already started to become deafening. It remains to be seen how many more join in to groove to the beats of it!